Are You Tired Of Obesity? Causes and Treatment

After reading the word obesity, the first thing that comes to anyone’s mind is the consideration of one being obese himself or not? Being obese simply means being overweight which is synonymous with having body fat in amounts considered dangerous for normal bodily functioning.

There is a humongous list of bodily systems affected due to excess fat which forms occluding balls in vessels of almost every organ leading to permanent damage and loss of functioning. The loss of functions can range from simple lethargy and unhealthy body appearance to grave issues concerning the heart, brain, and kidneys.

The prevalence of Obesity is attributed mainly to the modern lifestyles which are sedentary, our usual diet which mainly includes the processed foods, easy accessibility, and affordability of fast-food chains, long working hours which force us to take quick meals from outside, our sheer ignorance about healthy life plans, a race like the transformation of life which has eliminated the concept of self-care and many more causes which blindly force us into the dangerous tunnel which has nothing but the darkness at the other corner.

How can you know that you are obese?

A simple solution to this problem is calculating your body mass index which is usually termed as BMI. You just need to know your height and weight for this accurately. You can then compute your BMI with the help of google or by consulting a fitness trainer. The normal range is from 18.5 to 24.5. Any number more than this making you land into a dangerous situation. Any wise person should consider it a red flag and start to think about taking adequate measures to bring the situation under control.

The pre-requisites for doing anything include one basic tool of willpower. Once you realize that health once gone can never be caught again, you will force yourself to do whatever it takes to stay well. The second component, as important as the willpower is a coordinated system for help.

How can THE FITNESS help you?

The Fitness provides you the platform you need to transform the picture you have of yourself in mind into a beautiful reality. We are Weight Management and Physiotherapy Centers in Reputable Health Institutes in Karachi, Pakistan since 2007. We provide Comprehensive Weight Management Plans and Fitness Care Solutions for Everyone with Losing or Maintaining the Desired Body Weight to Stay Fit and Maintain a Healthy Life StyleWe are determined to promote well-being with a modernized approach to comprehensive Mental and Physical Health.



Shaper capsules provide means for natural weight loss. One important public concern regarding such capsules is their composition. However, capsules provided by THE FITNESS are effective, powerful, and completely natural having herbal and organic contents causing no harm to a normal body.


The prime benefit of weight loss plans is that they inculcate discipline in one’s life. They provide direction to a goal that seems impossible by sitting idle at home. Weight loss plans include not just the regular flexible schedule for diet intake but also easy to perform physical activities required to achieve the target level weight.

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